Moving to “America” can be confusing and at times frustrating, therefore let me lend you a hand

Hi! My name is Rodrigo and this webpage is dedicated to help people improve their experience living in the USA

It’s hard as it is to move anywhere even within your country of origin, but when you go to a new country there are additional challenges. There is no guide on how to do it and it can take years before you get use to your new life, for this reason I want to share my experience with you, so that you leverage this information which will hopefully help you speed things up.

YouTube Channel

I have YouTube Channel named “Rodrigo Valerdi” where you will find useful videos divided in three main categories:

  1. 1st Year in the USA – Look for this playlist on my channel where I am grouping together a series of videos that are a must watch if you are new in the US and if you have been here for a while check them out as well to make sure you have perform all of these tasks. Do you know what a 401k is and are you maximizing your contributions ? Well, check it out.
  2. Personal Finance – Let’s face it, you probably came to the USA to increase your quality of life and achieve your goals. Money is not all, but it’s a very important piece of the equation. Are you interesting in investing in the stock market but you don’t think you have enough money ? If you learn to manage your money better you can makes sure you can allocate a portion of it for investing, let me show you how.
  3. Paperwork – Before you become a citizen or a permanent resident you will need to provide additional documentation almost every step of the way, for example when getting your driver’s license or requesting a Mortgage to buy a house. The idea is to let you know what special paperwork is needed due to your non-immigrant status.
  4. Everyday life – It’s important to stay in touch with your family or TV shows from your country of origin. I can let you know how you can do some of that; as well as, enjoy your new surroundings outside of work.


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